Monday, January 18, 2016

#15 January 11-17

Monday, Chemo Day 14- I gingerly remove the dressing from my port this morning, and with a sigh of relief, see that it is dry.  My port still looks reddish, but not as much as in the hospital, so that’s an improvement.

Today I also notice that my left arm definitely feel somewhat swollen. I shoot off an email to my lymphedema therapist, and ask if there is anything I can do at home (since I do not EVEN want to go back to the hospital at this point) to head this off at the pass. She gets right back with me, and tells me to do some range of motion exercises, and to just hold it up several times a day in order to get the lymph to drain. So now I look like Hermione in potions class waiting for Snape to call on me.

I feel good enough to do some slight housework, folding clothes etc. I’m still taking the oral antibiotic for the next few days. No exploding tendons yet. We got all the Christmas decorations taken down, and packed away in the basement.

My night is not so good. I always read before going to bed until I get sleepy. I felt sleepy, so turned out the light, but could not go to sleep. I changed position, used mental games to quiet my mind etc., nothing worked. Finally, I got up, turned on the TV and started watching and old Gene Kelly/Frank Sinatra film Take Me Out to the Ballgame. The dogs came in to offer their support. At one point, when Gene Kelly was dancing, Sydney sat up and watched with great concentration. Any dog who is a Gene Kelly fan is a friend of mine. I dozed slightly during the film, woke to see the end, and then went back to bed where I was able to sleep again.

Tuesday, Chemo Day 15- Today was a pretty great day. I did not have any of the fatigue which has been dogging me, I was able to catch up on my filing (I hate filing,) and the house cleaners came today. One of my former students had clued me in on a service which provides a once a month cleaning for women going through cancer. Unfortunately, they don’t have anyone in our area which participates, but my husband said, why don’t we get someone to come in while you’re not feeling good. It has been such a blessing. They vacuum, mop, dust, clean the bathroom, change the sheets, etc. So nice not to have to worry about any of those things. I caught up on my blog about my hospital stay, and generally felt fine.

Wednesday, Chemo Day 16- When I took my shower this morning and washed my hair, I could feel hair coming off in my hands, so the end is near. I didn’t notice much in the towel or when I blew it dry, but it definitely feels different. Other than that, I feel pretty good. I’ve been holding my arm up whenever I remember, and I think the swelling has gone down, so that’s a good thing.

Today I have a consult for a wig. My supplemental insurance will pay for 75% of the cost, so I thought it would be a good idea to get a good wig, just in case it all doesn’t come back in. When we drove up to the wig place, construction had the street totally blocked, so my husband had to let me off at the corner, and I walked up. I had sent the owner a couple of pics of me with hair, and she had specially ordered one which was quite a bit brighter red than I’ve been wearing just in case I might like it. I tried on several, including a grey one, since I figure that’s what going to return in the spring. I kept coming back to the red one though. It’s kind of sporty looking, casual, spunky. My husband liked it best so I got it.

While at the wig place, I was talking to the two consultants about my hair coming and, and I reached for a clump, and it came right out without so much as a tussle. I decided to wear the wig out, and while my husband was driving back, I was futzing around with it. My real hair was sticking out a little it the back, so I just tugged slightly, and it came right out. Who needs scissors? I just pulled out all the hair that was sticking out from the wig. I called my hairdresser to tell her the time had come, and I have an appointment on Friday to remove whatever is left by then. I think I’m also going to have her look at the wig for some adjustments as well.

I totally rebelled at lunch and had my husband take me out for lunch. It tasted so good. There was so much that I brought about half of it home, and ate it for supper. It was still good. All the antibiotics hit my lower GI this afternoon, and I had the first real diarrhea that I’ve had. Took some Imodium, and later took some more. No more problems.

Woke up about 3 a.m., could not go back to sleep. Eventually dozed a bit, but I think tomorrow will be a nap day.

Thursday, Chemo Day 17- Feeling really fine today other than the hair fall out, which doesn’t hurt, but is annoying. I don’t even really feel tired in spite of the bad night.

I went to the store with my husband. He shopped in one, and I shopped in the other. My extreme fatigue is gone although I’m not running any marathons yet.

Hair is continuing to drop everywhere. Glad that I have that appointment. Got some chores done around the house.

I have erratic taste problems. Things that tasted good before, not so much now, then things will change. It’s hard to stay with the Seattle Sutton when sometimes, I just can’t handle the meal. My husband is really great though, he’ll eat something that I just can’t stomach, and let me have something else.

Friday, Chemo Day 18- The hair fall out is even more today. The dogs don’t shed this much. Hair is all over my pillow, the collar of my shirt, the bathroom cabinet.

When I go to my hairdresser appointment, she says, “You haven’t lost that much hair!” I grab a strand and pull slightly, and it comes off in my hand. “Oh,” she says.

She’s very good as she begins to shave it off. She’s being very careful not to distress my scalp in any way by taking it off in layers, changing the blade on the hair cutter as the hair gets less and less. At the end I don’t look near as bad as I might have. I still have stubble, a lot of which I find comes off very easily when I shower at home. It feels really funny.

She also works with my new wig. I know that she is not used to dealing with wigs, and so I ask her just to tell me what she thinks it needs, and I can go back to the wig place and get them to do it. She discusses it with another hair stylist at the salon who does do a lot of wigs, and decides to take it on herself. She does a great job of fixing the front the way I wanted it. I always liked the back.

At the end of the appointment, when I usually ask her how much I owe her, she gives me a hug, and says, “This is my feel good present, no charge.” What a gal!

I wear my new wig home, but when I get there, I take it off and put on one of my knitted caps my DIL made me for Christmas. It keeps my head nice and warm. When I sleep, I put on a cotton cap the wig lady gave me which keeps my head warm at night without the bulk of the knitted cap.

Here are my new looks -

 Feel free to vote for your favorite.

Saturday, Chemo Day 19- Another really good day. I love the fact that I feel so good, but I hate knowing it’s all going to be shot down again on Monday. Oh well, three more to go. One step at a time.

I play World of Warcraft today for the first time in weeks and weeks. I love playing WoW, but have not been in the mood at all since my diagnosis. I knock out some quests, and then my husband and I play together for a while. It’s really fun again.

I break ranks again at supper and order pizza and cheesy bread delivered. I pay for it with indigestion during the night, but it was worth it. We freeze the rest for the next insurrection.

Sunday, Chemo Day 20- Another great day. I start my “dex” today to get ready for tomorrow’s infusion. It’s so nice to feel like myself. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. I’ve started working out on my bike to get my stamina back up. The first day I tried, I could only do 2 minutes, and I was out of breath. I’ve now worked up to six. That’s not much, you say, but’s it’s six minutes more than I was doing.

I’m trying to stay on the straight and narrow on my diet, although I did have some crackers off the chart. No nausea, just greed.

It’s gotten incredibly cold here, snow predicted later in the week, although the snow we had since the last infusion (which was mostly sleet,) has melted. That’s OK, I don’t get out much. Husband and I played WoW again trying to do a group quest for 3 with just the 2 of us. Lots of dying, but it was fun.

Infusion tomorrow is on my mind. Here’s hoping it’s no more of a problem than last time. Of course, it’s the days following that are bad.


  1. Love all three of the wigs! You're goh-geous in them all! I've been following your journey, and I'm so glad to see you're halfway done with chemo! You're awesome!

    1. Thanks Sheena, it's always good to hear from my "kids." I'm getting through it and will survive!
